A downloadable game for Android

Mïa’s Birthday is an enigmatic narrative phygital project playable on tablet with a children's book, in which a parent-child pair embody the sweet Mïa on her birthday. 
On a sunny Sunday, she realises that the invitations for her birthday have been forgotten! She decides to go on an adventure: she has the whole day to invite her friends and organise her birthday party. Explore her home town, help colorful characters and prepare the greatest birthday party !

"Dans les pas de Mïa" is a phygital project that links a book and a tablet. It aims to create a support for oral communication between a parent and a child, while targeting childhood themes and psychosocial skills like jealousy, communication and accepting others. During the development of the project, three physical books with removable components have been created.

You can download the book in PDF here!

- Maureen Bastian, Game Designer & Writer

-  Camille Misbach, Game Designer 

- Brice Bonnefond, Illustrator & 2D Artist

- Marine Mousset, UI / UX designer & 2D Artist

- Tristan Badana, Programmer

- Estelle Rostan, Programmer

- Mattéo Blivet, Sound designer & Composer

- Romain Belet, Sound designer

- Hugo Sannier-Durand, Sound designer

Special thanks to Marie-Louise Buje for proofreading the translation, Mariette Bastian and Faer Souville for their help all along the project, and the City of Angoulême for helping us to organize our playtests.

Special thanks to the Cnam-ENJMIN team. 

This project was realised by students of the Master JMIN, with the Cnam-Enjmin and the Pôle Image Magelis. 

We hope you will enjoy our game. Feel free to comment and share!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorMarine Mousset
GenreAdventure, Puzzle
Tagsbook, child, Exploration, Narrative
Average sessionAbout a half-hour


MiaItch (1).apk 185 MB


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wonderfull experience, and you can see with just how much care and meticulousness it all was crafted, be it through the cute and colorfull world on the screen or the tight and rich elements on the paper. Simply a gem.

(1 edit)

I had the joy of playing this on my actual birthday haha. This game is really cute, I love all the characters and I enjoyed talking to them (my favorite was basile). The art direction is pretty and the puzzles were fun ! 

I really recommend this to anyone actually

This game is the cutest thing I've ever seen/played in my life. As a grown adult, I had a really nice time going around and meeting all of the different characters in the game. The visuals are adorable as well. Great work !

I had the pleasure to play the game with the book and it was so much fun! The narration and the world is so lovely, the use of the book so clever. It felt like I was in a kids tv show or an illustrated book, the game is very immersive. I really recommand this game to parents and their children!


You can just tell how much work and passion went into this. The transmedia element is brilliantly used with the back and forth between the physical book and the digital game, which makes it such a damn shame that it can't be played on itch the same way it was meant to be played. However, all the kudos to the devs for sticking to their guns and not cutting the book from the experience, as it is a most crucial part.

Big plus also for the story. It treats children like the little people they are and doesn't dumb anything down for them. The divorce parents theme is amazingly executed, just as the jealousy and friendship themes. I really love that the game isn't trying to paint its main character as a perfect individual right away, but as a growing, learning kid. Another big point that I feel needs to be mentioned is the way it can also be played with only adults, but that it's the kind of game that makes even adults become children again. The relatable little puzzles can bring anyone back to their childhood. It's just lovely <3


Lovely game, great art, full of life characters! Loved the concept of the game an d the book! Congrats to the team :)